4 Bones for Life Concepts Everyone Should Know

by | Aug 30, 2021 | Bones For Life

Bones for Life is a movement-based program that addresses the health of the skeletal system. These four concepts are essential to the program, and anyone can benefit from them.

Picture this.

You are going about your day, completing task after task. Perhaps you are cleaning the house—doing the dishes, tidying the bedroom, getting things ready for guests to come over. Or maybe you are sitting at your desk at work, then walking to lunch, then standing while chatting with a colleague.

How do you picture yourself? Are your spine and joints in alignment? Do you feel strength with every movement as you complete your to-do list? Or are your shoulders hunched at your keyboard? Can you feel the tension in your neck as you scrub those pots and pans?

If the latter sounds familiar, you could be experiencing inefficiencies that stem from weakened bones. These concepts from the Bones for Life program could help you find relief.

Critical Concepts Used in the Bones for Life Program

  1. Dynamic Movement
  2. Bone-Strengthening Pressure
  3. Exploration
  4. Challenge and Motivation

Dynamic Movement

With every movement, our bodies need to overcome gravity to achieve what they set out to do. Regular dynamic movement—that is, movement that runs through a complex range of motion—keeps your muscles and joints in good health. When you keep up with dynamic exercises and dynamic movement in your everyday activities, your body becomes better at resisting the pull of gravity.

Bone-Strengthening Pressure

In addition to giving your muscles the workout they need, dynamic movement can also strengthen your bones. For instance, when you walk vigorously with a bounce in your step, the rhythmic pulsation of your steps helps deliver blood and nutrients into your bones.


Bones for Life helps to overcome inefficient movement patterns and relieve pain. The patterns of our movements form over our lifetime, so as you can imagine, they can be difficult to overcome. To “rewire” the brain to set these inefficiencies aside requires exploration. We learn to move as babies by experimenting, but over time, injuries can prevent us from moving in the way our bodies were designed to move. Creating new habits through exploration allows us to reclaim aligned movement.

Challenge and Motivation

Our bodies respond to all sorts of stimuli. When we do not apply pressure to our bones—whether because of an injury or habit or lack of engagement—the body may interpret this as a sign that the bones and muscles have no need for strength.

Daily, aligned activity puts pressure where it is needed and encourages the body to respond properly. In addition to motivating the body to build strength where it is most needed, the program that Bones for Life uses can also help you see tangible results—and that can give you the motivation you need to keep going.

Interested in learning more about how Bones for Life can help you?

If you want to learn more about Bones for Life, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I am more than happy to talk to you about the program.