by Carol Montgomery | Apr 26, 2018 | General
For many people, pain is part and parcel of day-to-day existence. The way they experience life, comfort is the exception, not the rule as it should be. But what many of those people don’t realize is that drugs—like those causing the opioid epidemic—and invasive...
by Carol Montgomery | Mar 5, 2018 | General
This is the fourth part of a four part blog post on the standing forward fold yoga therapy pose. If you haven’t yet, please go back and read parts one, two, and three. Standing Forward Fold Yoga Therapy Pose Cue 4: Arms Move at the Same Level as the Head If starting...
by Carol Montgomery | Feb 1, 2018 | General
This is the third part of a four part blog post on the standing forward fold yoga pose. If you haven’t yet, please go back and read parts one and two. By following the first link, you can read more about disengaging the toe pads. The second link contains information...
by Carol Montgomery | Jan 2, 2018 | General
This is the second part of a four part blog post on the standing forward fold yoga pose. If you haven’t yet, please go back and read part one. Standing Forward Fold Yoga Pose Cue 2: Pelvis Sways behind the Heels and Feet Most instructors cue “exhale forward hinging at...
by Carol Montgomery | Dec 6, 2017 | General
Searching the internet, one can find many videos and detailed lists on how to correctly perform the Standing Forward Fold Yoga Pose or Uttanasana. Seeing how popular yoga has become, that should come as no surprise. According to the 2007 National Health Interview...
by Carol Montgomery | Sep 21, 2017 | General
Searching the internet, one can find many videos and detailed lists on how to correctly perform the Standing Forward Fold Yoga Pose or Uttanasana. Seeing how popular yoga has become, that should come as no surprise. According to the 2007 National Health Interview...