by Carol Montgomery | Aug 8, 2017 | Bones For Life, General, Holistic Wellness, Osteoarthritis, Physical Therapy, Somatics
Bones for Life and Senior Citizen Day On August 21st, Americans have an opportunity to celebrate the wisdom and achievements of their elders, as well as advocate for the rights of older people all over the world. Senior Citizens Day, which was originally celebrated on...
by Carol Montgomery | Jan 18, 2017 | General, Holistic Wellness, Somatics
The Psychosomatic Connection: If you’ve looked at a diagram of a thyroid during Thyroid Awareness Month this January, you may not think this little butterfly-shaped gland could do too much to affect your body or mind. Of course, you would be wrong. I certainly didn’t...
by Carol Montgomery | Sep 3, 2016 | General, Holistic Wellness, Somatics
Living an Awakened Life through Social Connections When it comes to wellness, we often think of our physical body and the absence of disease. But wellness extends to every aspect of our lives, including our relationships — with others and with ourselves....
by Carol Montgomery | Jul 27, 2016 | General, Holistic Wellness, Somatics
6 Ways Your Social Wellness Can Affect Your Health This month our blog reaches out and talks about another facet of wellness: Social. Having a good social life, be it during the holiday season or any other time, has benefits that go far beyond happiness. Humans are...
by Carol Montgomery | May 20, 2016 | General, Somatics
Awareness in how we move creates changes in physical alignment and freedom from unconscious patterns of inhibition, the source of chronic physical and emotional suffering – Carol Montgomery Being aware is the key to creating freedom. It is the most crucial resource...
by Carol Montgomery | Apr 11, 2016 | General, Integral Human Gait, Somatics
Gait Training: Walking for Health The science is clear: active people suffer from fewer health issues than their inactive counterparts.i So walking should be good for us, right? Well, if done appropriately, walking for exercise can certainly be beneficial....